DUN IGNOH ME MOOSA *hwaaaaaaaaaa how can i replace u*- god, dun do this 2 me :(( *hiks hiks*.. i swear i cry everytime i remember him *is it a foolish thing?? huh i dun care*. i have no choice..cos i won't say goodbye anymore....
java ki gayane senengane rafting..ternyata disuntik rawani. hwhahahahah
herin bangettttt
kimimaru bodong ki angel banget digoleki. i called his old number , and one hard voice talking in an unclear sentence, about call again or something (fyuh..). i called once again... and still dat hard voice again.*shittt*. i told him dat i wanna talk to kim. but after few minutes still dat voice answered me.wut can i do ?
writtern @5:21 PM
java klowor iki kudu ta'thuthu'i tenan. ora marai carane
upload blog sih.so..buat mas nya..silakan menanti datangnya
uncal-uncalan sandal :)) sikik dilit,
ta'nyilih thekle'e tonggoku.(nek sandal ku dewe eman eman..soale anyar).hwahahah.jaremu :"sandal sing muni ne ceklok ceklok".ngarang tenan..padahal sandalku kae twipisee poooolll..neng soale aku nek mlaku diseret, dadi krungu sero.hweheh
londo ireng nandi ki? sesuk meneh nek nggawe ID sing rodo apik sithik..ora nyonto bungkus coklat sing ditemu nang ndalan.mosok..ono andy van hallen. onone paling
andy van tofell..(sepatu po..). oh ya..conference kae udu ajang pengenyekan kok..ajang pengujian ketabahan.hehe...sabarlah naaaaaaakk..(wong sabar ra keduman).sorry lho ndi, wingi kae bukan maksud hati menyakiti hatimu..hehehe...tapi kowe ketho' manis banget nek ora mbales nyek-nyek an ku.ingat !!
mengalah bukan berarti kalah (kuwi jaremu dewe lho..).kan
mengalah berarti ora menang (e menang kapan-kapan wae).
uangele poool ketemu
dokter Anne. arep
acc molar bawah, since saturday ki.. pas ta'takoni kae, jare nang lantai 5. aku nang lantai 5. jare mas Pur :"dokter Anne di lantai 2".wealahh..aku langsung ngacir nang lantai 2. eh ternyata dosen-dosen lagi rapat nang kantor dekanat. trus aku
takon pak e sing nang kono , jarene:"selesainya nanti jam setengah satu".gubrakkk..padahal kuwi jam setengah 12 nek ra jam 11. trus aku ngurusi patologi anatomi sikik. jam setengah siji aku nang lantai 2 meneh. rapate rampung, dosene metu kabeh, kok dokter Anne gak keto' keto'. sampe dosen terakhir metu, aku durung menemukan penampakan dokter Anne. trus aku nang lantai 5 meneh. (asemm) ruangan
dosen IKGD wis kosong. ketemu mas pur meneh ( walahhh), jarene piye jal? ngene:"dokter Anne dah pulang jam 12 tadi ". glodyakkkkkkk.
vely vely good ki !! and today aku teko IKGD meneh. tekan ngarep lift kepethuk mas pur (again???), i asked him:"dokter Anne ada mas?". jarene:"ada. tapi mau rapat. kurang isuk o' ". thuinggggg !!! lha wong kene kuliah e mas.. :( finally ta'tinggal mulih wae. ben luweh..
writtern @10:35 AM
hmmm talking about
my ex..its kinda getting greater n greater (wuts greater?) over here :) i dunno what to say,but..it (fyyyyuuuhhh) makes me verrrrrrrrry glad everytime i meet him.
finally i see u today..................after long time no seeeeee
writtern @5:59 PM
18 april (eh kuwi ultah e si
aulia...unfortunately, aku gak sempet nang pondok..) kae ketemu karo konco cedhake moosa. :( he always reminds me of moosa. again and again and again...
verrrry hurt inside here :( we met only on chat, and (like usual ..) start talking about moosa. i replied him in very slowly type, suddenly he asked me :"are u chatting wiv moosa?".jelas wae aku kaget.. wong aku malah gak ngerti nek moosa online. i replied him:"no. im not chatting wiv 'em. is he online now?".expresine de'e langsung mengkeret. paling batine:
'wong loro iki ket mbiyen kok podho atose' :P menurutku, iki udu salahku kok (kok aku dadi mbelani awakku dewe). mbuh lah. diteruske critane.... after, i asked him:"are u now chatting wiv him?". he said:"yea.why not chat wiv 'em?". i told him:"no.he dont even say hallo 2 me..then y dont u just
ask him da same question ?". he replied:"i did. and u know wut he said? he said..first laila deleted me, after i did da same".hahahahha...yo wis ne' no.
expresine de'e mengkeret meneh :P finally moosa sing nyopo aku disik :) we was talking about many many things... and i was (tottally) surprised when he said that he already back from german. o' ooo...kok aku ra ngerti ? biasane kan aku sing ngerti dhisik :P ternyata visa visite wis entek (wong iki nek kokeyan duit dadi
nomaden--pinjam istilahe mas java_stones--). we talked about my birthday..
moosa :"so hows ur birthday?"
me :"nice.and
thanks 4 da page" (pas aku ultah kan de'e send page keren banget )
moosa :"so hows da celebration?"
me :"have just celebrated it"
moosa :"oops..why too late?"
me :"just bcos of our different schedule"
moosa :"oh ic.hey..
why ur number always off?"
me :"wutt?? wut ja mean?...its actived. (suddenly i remembered dat i didnt tell him my new number). oh but i
changed my sim card"
moosa :"o.not this number again..(
he wrote my old number perfectly) ?"
me :(terharu banget....soale aku gak ngiro de' e isih kelingan nomer kuwi.padahal aku dewe wis lali). "not dat number. i use dis number now...(i wrote my new number)"
moosa :"oooo. ok. im sending sms there now"
(let suwi kok gak tekan tekan. akhire de'e njajal telpon. tetep wae raiso)
me :"hey its ok if cant...dont worry..dont need to try it again"
moosa :"ok..i'll try again later ."
me :"so hows german today?"
moosa :" (smiling)
im back"
me :" ooo...(bingung arep omong opo..lha ketinggalan info i')"
wuih aku
ngono wae seneng. asliii.. trus ngomongke opo meneh yo kae...hmmm....oh..de'e pamit log out sikik, trus omongi kon maem sikik ben lemu :P jarene malah
AKU KI CEN RAISO LEMU MENEH.hehehe...trus ta'omongi nek potone de'e sing anyar anyar iki lumayan lemu kok. wuih de'e sueneng banget ik. trus aku diduduhi potone
mase and istrinya, sing saiki nang dubai. :) trus ta'takoni ngopo kok buru buru arep log out..njawabe
AKU NGAJAR KELAS KOMPUTER. walaaaaaaaaaaaaaah..kok keren kowe saiki :) yo wis...ngono ngono wae..akhire de'e nge add aku meneh.heehhehehe....seneng..
thanks god :)
wingi si mas
java_stones mampir kostku. karo
agung. balik balik malah di uyak
guk guk e Hari :)) bejamu mas..lha soale kirik loro kae pancen peka terhadap
rangsang bau. cah loro wi ra'tekan nggonku durung mandi tho..:P balik seko
solo.hehhehe.oh iyo, 4 mas agung...sesuk meneh nek weruh guk guk ojo to'jak
peplayon. to'cedhaki wae, trus kowe genti kaing kaing nang ngarepe, ra' ndarani kancane :)) and untuk mereka berdua (wuiliihh), sorry lho kunjungan kalian akeh cacat e. hehehe..
here's da list :
1. angel le nggoleki kost ku .(sesuk meneh ta'gawe
plank nang ngarep blue n green, ben wong wong dho ngerti nek nang daerah kono ono cah kost sing jenenge laila ulfa .plus ono lampiran
peta menuju kost ku.nek
denah kost ku perlu po ra?
tata ruang dan sebagainya? wah ta'mikir? sikik ne' no...
*lempar sendal*)
2. ruang tamu ne jauh dibawah garis kemiskinan. (is it making any problem 4 u both?)
3. ehhmmm raono jatah snack bagi para musafir--kan seko magelang-jogja-solo-jogja-magelang.hehehehe--sesuk meneh nek arep teko (emang ono SESUK MENEH?) telpon sikik jauh jauh hari, dan anda akan merasakan perbedaannya.hwahaha.paling ora, aku nyiapke gelas, trus ta'tadahke air kran ngarepan kae :P
*balang wortel*
4. banyak interupsi pas omong-omongan. (payah tenan, mosok ono acara dikon numbaske bakso barang.cahe isin kon mlaku nang ngarepmu. trus tamu-tamune wong-wong kaae...)
5. si mas java klowor kae kebelet pipis tapi meneng wae. (untung pas acara di uyak guk-guk ora mlayu karo ngompol.hwahahhaha.mengko ndak mesakke
guk-guk e ndadak mandeg cekikikan sikik weruh kowe.heheheh).sesuk meneh diapalke yo letake pom bensin jakal kae :P
6. wingi ono sing tibo yo pas balapan mlayu karo guk-guk? hehehhee...makane..mlayune ojo terlalu semangat.jare java_stones :"
agung nggoceki kaosku".hahahahhahaha.mas agung rawani mlayu dewe yo..kok ngajak ngajak.
wis kuwi wae list e, nek kakeyan ndak mbus-mbus mocone (eh mbus-mbus ki opo? lha yo mbuh..sing nulis we ra ngerti kok. waton waaae)
writtern @4:51 PM
waiting and waiting and waiting bcos o'dis missing heart.hwaaaaaaaaaa hiks hiks...where are u, dear ???
something funny when we tried to find a journal about
anastetic, i did place my disc on disc driver, and they opened a file wiv tittle:"
my honey babe". there on dat file saved a half pic of kim. only half face. hahaha...dunno how come, but it couldnt saved wholly. suddenly
Dany said :"iki mesthi ngisore
nek ra ndomble yo mrongos..mulane disimpen setengah thok ".hahahahha asemmmmmmmmmmm ngarang tenan si Dany :P
i have just helped
kholif to find a poem.
DIE LORELEI... mbuh sing ngarang sopo. a germany, named
heinz bla bla bla..(i dunno )... malah sing ditemo'ke kok lorelai ne
gilmore girl. yo wis...sorry yo lip, tidak bisa membantuuuuuuuu. eh tapi mau sempet nemu poem kuwi, ning jare kholip udu. nggih mpun lah...
kholip ki lagi demam
clay aiken kae. ta'kon ngrungokke
the rasmus jarene emoh.ngeyel tenan wong siji kae. senengane ngrungokke music sing marai ngantuk.mbak
kolip lapo lapo.
writtern @5:16 PM
i get a lil
hi-tension again today after
dental anatomic pract. wut has happened? it was after class, and usually we (
dian, dany, and
i ) back home together. Dany already told me before, dat she'll not back home wiv us, cos her sister will pick her up right after class. filled da presention, and she went home.eleven and a half, pract finished, i wait 4 dian to back home wiv me.few times i waited 4 her, i didnt even see her. i back to da class, and she's still there. waiting again in frontta da laboratorium, i saw her walking outta lab. talking wiv few peeps, and walk over me, sayin' dis sentence:"
i wanna go to KOPMA wiv Ayi'. u wanna join us or back home alone?". shittttttttt !!! dats
wut i dislike from many many many peeps o'mine. i got too hungry to join 'em, and i back home alone. later, if u wanna go wiv other, then please just tell me before, so i dont need to wait 4 u too long. this noon it was only waiting 4 u b4 home, and
innocently u said dat freakyshittt sentence ? gotta slappp mah own self 4 my
blind angerrr. grrrrrrrrhhhhh !!!! (forgive me today, yaar)
real a
silly stupid brain dat i got. y? it was dental anatomic, and my turn to get an accord from da lecturer 4 mah design, and watta fool,cos i
didnt even bring da model tooth wiv me. greatttt !! half way to d' end, and i forgot the most important think.hahah...i think i proud o' mah self...:(
Lila 'n Asna gave me a
cow doll yezt'day.watta cute one. hehehe..tengkyu..tengkyu....sapi ne lucu banget, rupane mirip karo sing ngeke'i.hwehehehe...saiki ta'jenengi
KIMIMARU :)) dadi saiki ev'rynite bobo'e karo kimimaru. (yeeeekkk...karo sapi).
dear lovely baby....still alive there? hahaha..won't u tell me something simple like da truth..(eh aku omong opo sih. ngarang tenan.aku dewe bingung..) hwaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....missing missing missing missing...
dats wut i meant 2 say)
writtern @8:00 PM
weh telat..ki mau
kimimaru online e'. missiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing. wut about ur job, dear?..i dont even can contact u......hwaaaaaaaa hiks hiks..kok hapemu ndadak nganggo ilang barang tho yooooooo yoooooooooo... (melu melu aku wingi )..
suhu bakabon ngrubah pic ku sing karo dian dadi beckground e aneh aneh.ono sing nang salju, ono sing autumn, ono sing spring..lucu lucu. tapi anehhhhhhhhhhhh :P by d way,
tengkyu feri mac..tengkyu..tengkyu...
dis guy named
WAWAN has just complained me about my post language :)) he said:"bahasanya jawaaaaaaaa semua. aku nggak ngerti.kalo pake bahasa indonesia kenapa sih?". ok ok..now feed ur mind wiv dis
amburadul english. :))
4 wawan, selamat menikmatiiiiiiiiiii... :)) oh iya..ntar kapan-kapan kalo
radith sms ta'salamin ke dia deh :P
last saturday nite,
ariz, my nearest cousin of all, came to my boardin'. he message me after maghrib, said:"aku dewe ki nang kost. bored. aku dolan rono yo..". huuuuuuuuuuhh..nek lagi ditinggal kancane wae gelem dolan.i replied his message:"
injih paman patih, panjenengan angsal tindak mriki ananging ampun mbeto bolo kurowo ingkang kathah nggih..panjenengan piyambak mawooon ".hahaha finally he came here alone. we were talking about many many many things. he told me dat he has just introduced mah aunt to his lecturer. hahahah.. he said:"ben nilaiku apik terus ".
kurang ajar tenan :P jarene:"sebagai keponakan yang
berbhakti.." and ja know wut? his mobile is now
M55..hiks..hiks...i want it... and he told me:"M55 kan dinggo cah lanang. cah wedhok gak oleh". :( padahal aku pengen. arep ijolan tapi aku wedhine nek aku isih kangelan nganggo siemens. yo wis..akhire rasido ijolan. huuuuuuuuuuuuuuh . eh terus sing dosen e mas se' arep dikenalke bulikku kuwi, ternyata wonge pwinterrrr bzangettttt. menguasai segala macam jaringan. jaringane
UTY wae sing gawe de'e. eh keren banget wong iki. pas weruh potone..ternyata bulikku
emoh. hahahaha..yo wis lah. few times ago she called me , talking about my uncle's new mobile number. suddenly i remembered about her boyfriend there :P and we started to talk about him. she told me dat now they
never get contact anymore. walah yo wis.. golek liyane wae.. :P
eh, jare
dhany kok aku ki
megalomania. hwahahahha...senengane mengagung-agungkan diri sendiri. trus tambahane:"aries ki pancen sifate ngono kok kebanyakan". de'e ngakoni nek ternyata de'e ki yo kadang ngono. hahahah..lha de'e yo aries kok. :P
oh iyo,
thanks 4 cah cah sing wis menyisakan duitnya nggo tuku kado. hehehhe...karek aku sing klabakan nggolek duit dinggo traktiran.ayo cepet cah, sebelum duitku entek nang
blue n green.hwehehehe..ojo sing larang larang yo cah, mengko ndak akhir minggu aku ming maem
tempe penyet terus tur
utang. :P kan mesakke aku tho cah..
kanang ki mesthi lho madhak?ke aku karo kartun. wingi jare
tatabusu. saiki ganti
kaoru kamiya. sesuk ra'suwe suwe dadi
doraemon.emoh aku saiki nek dipadha'?ke meneh, nang.:P
eh ternayta lagu?ne
darius apik? banget lho.senneg banget sing
U IRRITATE ME. :P nggantheng..suarane apiiiiiiiikkkk. ( ojo ngilerrr )
writtern @6:00 PM
been a long time no chat.missing my
kimimaru...lasttime we met, we got angry each other :(( dunno how's naa
hey, i name dat new baby with
SAQIB. hahahha.
ratih disagree with it, cos she wants to call da baby with
IRUL.uh uh noooooo.finally
dian calls da baby wiv
SARUL. combine from saqib and irul. hahahah..
doesnt make any sense :P
one thing makes me surprised. its about my junior ,
KUN ARIFAH. one blog dat i open few weeks ago write her name wiv pretty large size, marked as "
my gul friend".hahah. as i saw it, i write an email 4 the owner o'da blog.and today i get da reply.he said dat KUN is his gul, and now study in IAIN sunan kalijaga. hmmm...ok ok.. and about d'owner o'da blog, his name is
ROBERTUS INDRA (or who? i forget). he said dat he was studyin' in da same senior high school wiv KUN. and ja know wut ? if he was in da same school wiv kun, means he's also in da same school wiv me.
MY JUNIOR ??? i think about it again and again, but
i have no clue to recognize dat name... or its only mah bad brain? hahah..dunno...
wut do ja think about persuading dis guy called
SAQIB? no contact 4 few weeks after dat battle, and still he cant forgive me :(( its always and always like dis..sometimes i cant control mah own temp. "i dont wanna have anymore contact wiv ja".hyaaaaaaaaaaaa.....sediiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhhh
vote at apriel 5th was too freak. :)) ja know what mah mom said:"aku arep milih pak ali wae. sing kenal. karo bojone bu yulti, pak himawan.luweh, wong liyane raono sing kenal kok".hahah. actually its not only mah mom's problem, but also mine. i didnt even know about each of 'em. really...kokean partai sih. so i decide to
vote 4 da cutest one. hwahhahaha
and other funny thing:
manda doesnt even know dat ono partai sing gambare
PAYUNG.hwhahahah...yesterday when we got our ANATOMIC PATOLOGY, we talked about it, and got surprised wiv it. hahah. dasar manda. and u'll get more surprised when there's one friend doesnt know out PARTAI DEMOKRAT. walah gubrakkkk..wong siji ki piye tho yoooo yoooo..aneh aneh wae.(woro woro-neng ojo diomongke lho yooo-, kuwi mau sing ra ngerti partai demokrat si
retno :P )heheheh..sorry lho no' ta'omongke wong wong. hehehehhe
writtern @1:18 PM
aku lali, wingi durung crito about
herin sing yo salah tanggal, podho karo lila :P esuk esuk tanggal
31 wingi herin ngetok ngetok kamarku langsung nyodorke tangan:"
fe, ulang taon tho saiki?". hahaha aku langsung ngguyu ngekek. :"
rin, iki tanggal 31".de'e langsung :"oh..".dengan muka originally
durung adus and tanpa merasa berdosa (herin pas kae lagi wae tangi) langsung balik badan mlaku mbalik nang kamare.kuwi mau le nothok kamarku durung sadar po yo. isih karo ngimpi. hehehhehe. trus hari berikutnya esuk esuk nothok kamarku meneh:"
nah fe, nek saiki wis bener". bwahahhahaha...wong edyan kabeh !!
indra yo he eh...bola bali sms, tapi karo omong:"berkali-kali ngucapke selamat ulang taon tapi tetep dengan
pulsa curian". ternyata de'e nyolongi pulsane babene.hwahahahha...
kanang mburine ono rekaman aneh aneh. ono sing lagune
siti nurhaliza. neng yo ono lagu
indiane barang.bar kuwi isih ono
CREED.hehehhe..aneh aneh wae..
writtern @6:56 PM
ki mau mah birthday tapi nyebai.lha ngopo? coz actually i wanna make commenting 4 mah blog, but gagal totaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllll !!! gggrrrrhhhhhh !!! mabengi aku raiso bobok. lh acah cah telpon gak ngerti wektu.(lha yo biasa ding..kan ulang taon).aku dadi tangiiiiiiiiiiiiiii terus.
si lila lucu tenan.tanggal 31 isuk isuk wis sms:"happy bzday".hahahahha...bar kuwi disusul sms selanjutnya:"eh fa, iki mau tanggal siji opo tanggal 31 sih? kok alarmku muni kowe ultah".hwahahahhaha ta'jawab wae:"alarm mu kuwi sing kenthir la".
trus si indra, wingi bengi sms:"happy bzday..aku yang pertam ngucapin kan?".:)) ngaraaaaaaaaaaaang. i replied:"ra wae !! sing pertama ngucapke kan kanang.".hwahahhah kuwi coz si kanang curang pooooooooooooooollll. le ngucapke happy bzday wis ket beberapa hari yang lalu.hwahahhahaha..ra mutu tenan.mbengi-mbegi kanang mbingungi jare wis tekan toko merah.arep nang kost tapi rangerti dalane.akhire aku sing metu nggoleki de'e :( dasar kanang. tur rapopo, aku entuk the rasmus :P tengkyu, nang :) tur ono bonuse:AROMA TERAPI. hweheheheh..jarene:"ben koyo india". bwahahhahaha..
moosa congrats me trough email :(.....hwaaaaaaaaa hiks hiks hiks...SOULMATE DRIES UR EYES.. missing u so much yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrr. what are u doing now there? where are u? by da way, thanks 4 ur care....i lo*e u still..4 entire o'my life..:((
4 my lovely baby stupid kim:"FREAKY SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT UHHH !! ". watta hell u doin' there???? getta fuck outta mah headddddd !! kok kowe isih nang sirahku terus tho kim? jangan-jangan aku tho'santet :) hwahahahha.
amir nyebai bangetttttttttttt. lha piye ..mosok blame me abt AJI? huh. sebel... !! he though dat i like to receive many gift from aji. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhh..whats in jar mind, amir??? u dont even know mah feeling !!fine ! fine !u blame me !!say sorry many timessss..and i'll kill u !! but no..u re a good friend of mine :) many apology 4 u, mah friend. weleh welehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..lambemu feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..
wis ahh
writtern @2:06 PM