lagi wae ngeh ki ternyata ono eau de parfum sing "judule"
LAILA. hwehehehhe.aneh aneh wae..lumayan lho..jenengku ono nang kono *hweeeeeekkk cuihh* laila..norway's first international fragrance...*hweeeeeek cuihhh*
film anyar :SANGAT LAKI-LAKI. (aku kok gak nemu site e), original soundtrack nganggo lagune SHIERA (band indie).critane, ono cowok jenenge ANDRA, seneng sepak bola, tapi gara-gara si KIRANA, de'e dadi stop maen bola. after, aku gak ngerti meneh, pokoke kata-kata sing terkenal *waksss* :"aku sangat mencintai sepak bola, dan karenanyalah aku kehilangan Rana.tapi saat aku memilih Rana..aku kehilangan dua-duanya..sepakbola, dan Kirana". aku durung nonton sih..maybe bakal diputer di Lembaga Indonesia Prancis, nek ra yo..neng bioskop.tapi koyone muter kampus, deh. mboh lah..infone ra jelasss. so wut's da important thing from dis ? mmm pas krungu kata-kata AKU KEHILANGAN KEDUANYA,kok rasane film iki AKU BANGETTTT.... :( thinkin' about my honey babe out there...when i decided to choose him, i realized dat i have to concern all about him."it's only u in my heart, and i hope its also only me in ur heart",he told me dat time.mmm i tried to frank, i tried to honest, but...sometimes i feel like takin' things for granted. y? im d'owner of his heart, but feels like he's never b mine !! he has much times for his friends, but he has none of his time 4 me. he has much times for his job, but none of second he gives 4 me. i did try to break him up, but whenever i start to arrange my sentences, its always being a hard thing to make him cry...i lo#e him, maybe.. dunno. kadang-kadang aku lali nek ono boyfriend.huehuehue..mmm piye ki cah penake? mandeg wae, opo terus? bingung ngomonge karo de'e...wis wis ah...rasah dianggeppppp !! malessssssssssssssssssssssss
writtern @11:43 AM
gara gara
swaragama ra ketemu nang tuner radioku *hiks hiks*, aku saiki dadi
MTV on SKY maniaa kii.sunday wingi opo meneh. kan raono kerjaan, dadi yo ngrungokke radioooooooo terus sampe jebott kupingku.lhah dj-ne MTV ki nyocooooooooooot teruss. kae si MICHAEL esuk esuk ngomongke :"di prancis ditemukan CD cowok yang ada pengatur sirkulasi udara nya. pas dipamerin, tuh CD dapet penghargaan medali emas.tapi hati hati...mungkin ada yang nyaman pake CD itu, tapi jangan kaget kalo nanti ada penyakit kelamin
FLU BURUNG".huehuhue..sopo sing gak ngguyu krungu dj ra nggenah koyo kuwi :P
jam 06:48pm, after maghrib, sing siaran GENTA. info ne ngene:"mexico mengexport streaper ke Canada (genta:hah? kok berita ginian? gak tau kalo abis maghrib apa). tiap streaper dikasih visa gratis and kontrak kerja selama 5 taon.dari hasil seleksi (genta:jangan jangan dicobain dulu tuh), dikirim 100 streaper ke Canada. kabarnya..mexico adalah pengexport streaper nomor 2 setelah Rumania (genta: ooo ternyata
ada yang lebih handaaaaaaaallllll)..". huehue...aneh aneh wae..
lucu meneh (emange sing mau kae lucu? ), pas MTV SKULDESAK. host e si AUDY, takon karo cah-cah UII sing melu skuldesak :" penyanyi siapa, yang kakinya sering banget sakit?". 1..2...3...wis wektune entekkk !! jawabane:"REZA". lho kok? soalnya..."
trus ono meneh.nek ra salah sing siaran dj SUNIL.infone:"di german sekarang diberlakukan undang-undang baru. bagi yang ketawa cekikikan di malam hari bakalan kena denda.itulah makanya
kuntilanak gak mau tinggal di german.soalnya takut kena denda kalo ketawa malem malem ". wong edyann !!
sing ra nggenah meneh, pas mata kuliah farmakologi, kebetulan dosene dokter
irfan. tengah tengah nerangke serius, kok de'e tiba tiba takon:"eh ngomong ngomong kalian suka nonton AFI gak?". *gubrakkkkssssssssssss* takon karo
nisma:"kamu ndukung siapa?". nisma:"TIA". grrrrr...aneh aneh wae. pelajaran serius serius, dikirone bakalan takon opoooooooo ngono sing rodo abot sithik, eh ternyata malah ngomongke AFI..
heh isih tentang AFI ki. mosok ringkasan soal soal seko assistant farmako ki judule DIARY AFI. pertama moco, reaksiku langsung..:"waksssss. opo meneh iki?". ternyata..
AFI ki singkatan seko
ASISTEN FARMAKOLOGI INDONESIA. kwakakakakka....ngarang tenannnnn !!!
sedino wingi aku bete bangettt !! sumpah !!
cry me a rivahhhh !! tapi saiki wis rapopo. gara garane? embuh aku dewe yo rangerti. mood elekku lagi metu paling ki. sopo wae ta'jawab ketus. sampe
titos wae ta'bantah terusss. bennnn !!
writtern @10:15 AM
mmmm read this :"
WILL U MARRY ME? -jo-" *jdigz* wong wong ki aneh aneh wae.nek sing nalar sithik ngono piye tho..*mumetzzz*
i woke up it was 05:00am afta d alarm was ringin'.two messages on mah mobile, i tried to read it (mripat isih kelet). both came from
TITOS (hwahh? india menehhhh???)*gubraksss* . ngerti ra' message e muni piye?
LAILA, DO U LOVE ME?". asline pengen ngguyu, tapi kok ra lucu. trus sms lain :"
SORRY 4 ASKING". piye meneh? aku ra duwe pulsa i'.
5th floor, seekin' 4 mah doctor.and ono sms meneh:"
JUST ANSWER. YES OR NO". *geleng-geleng* and meneh:"
OK.THE ANSWER IS NO.KYA,RITE.BYE". lho, kok ngono...asli, aku rapenak banget..finally aku njaluk pulsa
ALFIDA, dinggo mbales sms.ta'omong wae dat
AKU GAK ISO NEK KARO WONG SING AGAMANE BEDHO.trus aku yo tetep wae omong nek de'e ki wis
APIKAN BANGET, AND VERY CARE, dadi yo piye lehku gak seneng karo de'e? jez, about our religion :) afta, he messaged me:"
LOVE U". hwalaaahhh..njuk aku kon piye?
asli nyebai !!
prostho ku gak di acc !! kapaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnn???? *hwaaaaa hiks hiks* nek dosene perfectionist koyo iki, kapan lehku rampung prosthodonsi :(
balik seko mubeng-mubeng kampus (lantai 5, ke lantai 2, ruang rapat, ke lantai 5 lagi, akhire dicuekin karo dosenne.anjreetttttt), nang halte bus weruh
mas mas lagi... *sensorrrr*. hiiih maybe iki memang hari sial po yo? hehehehe..(mana ono hari sial..onone hari senin, selasa, hari minggu dan hari libur lainnya tutup) *emange tempat praktek dokterrr* mas mas kuwi mau gayane sok cool banget !! koyo *&%@#$% ne gede wae.huehuehue...genah cuilik sa'podho ne
cadaverrr (mayat wis diformalin-red) kok.*nyengirrrr*
writtern @3:56 PM
theme :
AGUNG PRABOWO, SIs (Sarjana Isi sendiri).
ming pengen guyon karo koncone
koncoku kok yo uangel bangettt !!! padahal wis tau face to face, tapi kok di sms isih
kakuuuuuu bangetttt. nyebai gak sih? tapi aku jelas
gemezzz bangetttt !!! mana ono wong koyo iki.pertama ne aku pengen ngerjain si
ANDY, tapi de'e di telp kok gak bereaksi (telp gak diangkat). trus finally aku ngerjain
AGUNG wae. here are some of our sms' :
AKU : pak, saya mahasiswi TI angkatan 2002. kalo mau
revisi nilai, kira-kira boleh nggak pak?
AGUNG : mata kuliah yang kamu ikuti apa?
AKU : saya kemaren ikut
TELEKOMUNIKASI DASAR. sudah ngulang satu kali, tapi tetep dapat D. boleh revisi nggak pak?
maybe wis kroso nek dikerjain) boleh, tapi bayarnya mahal. 5 juta !!
AKU : wah nek ngono rasah sido revisi wae paaak. ben lah nilaiku D, daripada nggolek 5 juta.arep golek nandi? arep gresek nang tempat sampah wis kedhisikan pak pemulung
AGUNG : hahaha.makane dadi bocah sing pinter, ben ora boros duit. seko sopo iki?
AKU : aku kan wis pinter.wis iso golek duit, wong aku duwe bengkel
AGUNG : wah ra ngerti, wis ngantuk je hehehe, sopo yo?? *
it was 09:14 pm and he said WIS NGANTUK? ck ck ck*
AKU : hwah? yahmene wis arep sare? pancen jadwalmu kan jam 9 e yo
pak dhe? nggih mpun.
cah tomat pancen gaweane iseng !!! zzz *
gara gara ngundang PAK DHE, aku diarani cah warnet tomat -nang warnet kono, celukane agung kan PAK DHE-*
esuk e aku dadi
ra penak, makane aku nggawe
PENGAKUAN DOSA. hehehe sorry lho mas agung :P but afta dat,
gaya sms e selalu kaku. aneh..kok bedo karo wong wong liyo.jare
yo maklum, nek karo wong lagi kenal kan dee isih kaku". huuuhhh tapi kok
ANDY ora? oh, maybe
kadar edan e bedho :P *huehuehue* (
wis , aku ndak ditekek andy). trus conclussion e piye? wong iki apike isih di sms, opo ta'nengke wae? kan biasane aku mesthi
cacah jiwa *means..sms wong wong walopun raono sing penting*. biasssaaaaa...
ngitung jumlah penduduk !!! checking checking..testing..1..2...3... sensus penduduk dimulai... mbuhhh !! bar iki
sms meneh ra yo?
wong e ra penak ik !! (
file deleted??? hehehe...piye yo...lagi pisan nduwe konco ra penak koyo iki.
koncomu ki piye tho, java?)
lastnite kan ono
indonesia malaysia nang auditorium II
KU. pertama ne sih males banget melu culture nite. coz nang kono mengko mesthi isine ming
cah cah india. koyone iki nang indonesia, tapi kok rono rene ming
kejedut wong india terus. but, si
herin puengen banget nonton.rencana ne sih minggu aku balik omah.ditelpon karo
ngopo kok gak balik?".masalahe omahku ono acara. "
ayo balik karo aku. bareng".lha piye..aku wis janji karo herin. trus akhire dipesenke tiket neng
hidayah. sabtu jam 10 am ditunggu hidayah di kantin KG. ok, jam 10 aku and herin ke KaGe. (padahal kan sabtu aku lagi gak ono jadwal kuliah). cah cah sing melu
ILMU BEDAH dho takon:"
ngopo fa kok mangkat?". soale aku nang kampus nganggo sandal tur ra nggowo tas, cengar cengir nang kantin, cah cah dho mlebu kelas aku tetep enak enak maem. hehehhe... lha hidayah isih nggolek tiket. trus pas ketemu hidayah n
reza (wis jam 11 an), jarene:"
sold out !!". asemmmm !!! le nunggu ngasek njogrossss. sing lucu meneh...herin radhong blass pas aku omong-omongan karo hidayah. jarene:"wong malaysia ki nek omong kok cuepet banget tho. campur boso inggris, meneh". lhah..pancen ngono kuwi. nek
kupingku wis keballl. soale nggone herin raono cah malaysia ne. (makane de'e ngebet pengen melu culture nite, gara gara pengen weruh cah cah india. hahahah).ternyata tiket sing wingi wis dipesenke
dian neng hidayah ki dike'ke neng
Aimee. trus karo aimee dipasrahke neng
Mia. trus neng tangane mia wis raono meneh. terjual habisss !!! yo wis... finally balik karo
nekuk rupo (piye carane?). eh..pas asik asike
nyuporteri MINTHUL maen solitair, kok hidayah sms. jarene
entuk tiket 2 seko cah KU. :)) aseeeeeek . yo wis..mabengi akhire nonton rame rame. trus nang kono langsung ketemu cah cah.mlebu langsung ono
azman (
aku kok sengit banget yo karo wong siji iki). trus sing ngurusi tiket si
chairil (hweheheh..ngganthenggggg). naik tangga, tekan nduwur weruh
thila'(kecengenkuuuuuu), and
daffin (si jago kluruk). eh beberapa saat kemudian si
John metu seko ruangan, nganggo pakaian adat kono. hahah langsung ta'kageti. de'e langsung isin karo njelaske nek mengko ming arep tampil sedhilit banget. heheheh..luwehhh..pokoke sesuk tekan kampus aku kudu nggodhani johnatan. hehehhe..mabengi
cah cah bedo banget.asliiii !! sing wedhok wedhok nganggo
sari. uhh ayu ayu tenan. sumpahhhh !!! pokoke aku sampe' pangling. wong aku lungguh ngarepe
kavita, and
tharaani, tapi pertamane aku gak ngeh nek kuwi mereka.hehehe..ayu ayu tenan.and mabengi acarane apik bangettttt. and da most important thing: ono
mas arfi. hehehhehehe...asisten anatomic favoritku. hwahahhaha...
balik seko KU jam
12:00am.trus ternyata tangine jam
07:10am.aku blass lali nek durung sholat subuh. soale nang pikiranku ki mau alarm ku muni jam 05:00am. aku lagi kelingan nek
hari minggu kan alarm ku mati . dadi aku langsung ngacir sholat subuh :(
writtern @5:03 PM
wah lagi ngerti nek tampilan e blogger anyar saiki.hehehhe..opo maybe coz aku wis suwe gak postin' ?
SAQIB AZHAR QURESHI,da fuckin' freaky shitttt !! get losttttt !!! thx god 4 loosing him !! dat EXHIBIST makes me YUCKKK !!
bad mooooooooooooooodddddddd !!!!!!! *kok iso?* (aku dewe yo gak ngerti ngopo....)
crito sithik aaaahhhh....mmmhhhh..yesterday aft'noon, mom, dad, sis, and i was back from mah grandma's home. mom suddenly remembers about my cuzin,
MBAK NITA. accordin' 2 mah mom, she will get married these near days. mbuh kapan !! but here are our conversation in da car yeztday:
MOM : koyone mbak nita meh nikah deh waktu dekat ini
ME : nita sing ndi?
MOM : nita KG
ME : (waks) nita-ku?
MOM :he eh..entuk
dosen hukum ugm.
DAD : (smiling) nah ngono kuwi lho mbak..nek golek ki yo
sing nggenah
SIS : (LOL) kimimaruuuuuuu
MOM : mbak nita semester piro tho mbak?
ME : 6 (no expression)
MOM : uwong ki nek gangsar *btw, wuts gangsarrr???*, yo iso entuk sing apik..
ME : emange seneng nduwe mantu dosen? gajine piro sih? *waks kok tekan gaji*
DAD : (ngakak abiss) yo apik wae...buktine ibumu ki tergila-gila karo bapak
ALL : hoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkssssssss (ngakak)
walah edan tenan nek ngomongke sing ngono kuwi mesthi ra ono ujunge. jare ibu:"
nduwe kenalan dosen ra? ". *gubrakkkksss* nggolek bojo dosen nandi ??? piye nek gawe pengumuman wae... lha soale babe ngomong ngene:"
ora malah karo wong iraqqq". *glodyakksss* wong iraq sing endi, be? nguarang tenannnn !!
MAN (never got married b4),
MOSLEM (at least..pray 5 times a day ),
AGE RANGE 23 TILL 30 (jare mas: nek 30 terlalu tua. i said: luweeeehhhhh),
GOOD JOB (and good salary-hwahahah-, diutamakan dosen -cekakak cekakak-),
CAN TAKE ME AS I AM (selfish, temperamental, cruel, unpretty, and fatttt -hwahahah-),and last...
I NEED AN HONEST AND A PATIENT ONE . dats all...anyone wants 2 marry me? *bwahahahhahahahah*
writtern @10:04 AM
its about
me and
mah freaky baby (all mah trust 4 him)...last monday nite i met him. aku langsung cet cet cuwet bla bla pyar krompyang dhuarr dhueng thuong *muni muni sa'karepe dewe* (ngunek-unekke de'e). tapi nek de'e wis :"hey im sorry....". clepppp !! aku langsung kalah..raiso muni opo opo meneh, except :"ok..". hwaaaaaaaaaaaaa....kurang sabar piye aku karo menungso elek iki *hiks hiks*. afta job, cah iki dadi
workaholic banggettttttttttttzzz !! he doesnt even have (even if a lil just) time 4 me * :( * whole day only office office office office !! get freakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk !!
but.... how can i not luv 'em
Sometimes late at nite
I lie awake n watch him sleepin'
he's lost in peaceful dreams
So I turn out da lite, let 'em in da dark
And da thought crosses mah mind
If I neva wake in da morning
Would he eva doubt da way I feel
About 'em in mah heart
If tomorrow nevah comes
Would he know how much I luv him
Did I try in every way 2 show him every day
he's mah only one
And if mah time on earth were through
he must face dis world without me
Is da luv I gave him in da past
Gonna b enuff 2 last
If tomorrow nevah comes
'Cause I've lost luv ones in mah life
Who nevah knew how much I loved him
Now I live with da regret
dat my true feelings 4 them nevah were revealed
So I made a promise 2 mahself
2 say each day how much he means 2 me
'n avoid dat circumstance
Where there's no 2nd chance 2 tell him how I feel
So tell dat someone dat ja luv
Just wut u're thinkin' of
If tomorrow nevah comes
once more...lastnite i called his mobile.just 2 proofe dat
im not dat selfish on him (just like peeps say). one hard voice talked in unclear words. tryin' 2 call again, a gul picked it up ...n i got surprised. IS IT UR MOBILE, KIM? WHICH EVERYBODY CAN PICK ALL PHONE CALLS? third call, still dat gul, (i didnt even ask her name) told me:"he's not here". WUTT??? everybody pick da phone call, and d 'owner wasnt there? pretty greattt, kim. pretty great !!! (wish i could slap ur face, then i will !!! ). so wuts now??
time to start a new war , huh? can i ? *am i stupid or wutttt * sickkk sickkk real a freakky shitttt !!!
writtern @11:17 AM