
thanks 4 wasting yer time reading dis foolish blog. hehehe

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

yeap...exam results dah keluar semua..and masih tetep ngono-ngono wae !! bad result and ah keep on smiling.hweheheh...dian said:"fe, wong sing gak sinau ki nek entuk biji elek yo raoleh sedih. wong liyane dho sinau kowe malah nonton tv".hwehehehhe..bener juga sih..:P

so wut? cah, aku jomblo terus ki? gak ono sing nawani mas mas nggantheng po? hehehehe....yo wis..i'll try it by mah self

mumeeeeeeeeetttttttt !!! males belajar buat remidi, and after i have to prepare my short term !! greatttttttttttttt

kimimaru....kimimaru....kimimaru....where are u?

writtern @1:02 PM

Saturday, June 12, 2004


final exam nih. since last monday, tapi kayak gak kerasa aja gituh.hweheheh..saking santainya duniaku :P 1st day,ORAL BIOLOGY..lhah yo gampang..modal mangkat !! and 2nd, PROSTHODONSI..was naik lantai 3, clingak clinguk liat pengumuman, yes dats it (my chair number), masuk ruang H, clingak clinguk untuk yang kedua kalinya, and i found mah chair.sitting there near da door..walaaah..alamat digeser geser ki karo cah cah sing mangkat telat :( few minutes, and dosenne teko..YUYUN sat beside me, and 'beliau'nya berpesan demikian:"fa, masih inget urutan abjad kan?".hweheheh..ternyata kabeh wong podho wae...cuman milih 5 abjad aja kok repot. silang indah at A B C D ato E.rampungggg!!! and 3rd day, PATOLOGY ANATOMY.sopo sing arep moco bahan akehe semono? bobok manis wae lah... menambah berat badan :P and 5th day, FARMAKOLOGY. karma opo sing marai aku kudu ngapalke anestesi, analgesic, sianokobalamin, kodein, prokain, lidokain, metadon, dimercaprol,meperidin, naloxon,mevipakain, and setumpuk nama-nama aneh lainnya. and today PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY. mbuh mbuhan..ra ngurussss

writtern @7:19 PM

Saturday, June 05, 2004


and its still about dat sickness (honey baby). sure u'll soon know why do i call him as a sickness.
this is an email which has been sent by DEAN (from Ternopil State Medical Academy) few times ago:*jenenge honeybabe ku ta'ganti: KIMIMARU*

--- dean wrote:
We want to see you as our prospective student.
The best way for this purpose - to invite you for 2004/2005 academic year that will start 1 September 2004.
So send us you details for getting Official Invitation for 2004 year
( www.tdma.edu.te.ua ). We are very sorry about the
problems took place in your family.

Vice Rector TSMA
Professor Klymnyuk S.I.


Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2004 03:07:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: "KIMIMARU" [KIMIMARU@yahoo.com]
Subject: Re: for Invitation
To: "dean" [dean@tdma.edu.te.ua]

Dear Dean sir ...my name is KIMIMARU ..and last
year i got addmissin in TDMA....because of some
problems i cant come there 4 studY .. now i wanna
join my college ...so give some informations about how
to join....i have also paid my college dues.....send me
email as soon as possibal thnx bye

urs obediently KIMIMARU

He was a medical student in TDMA. one day he decided to leave college and get job.his brother wants him to study in germany, but when he asked me:"wut do u think?", i replied:"all up 2 u", he laughed and said:"no, i will not go there.cos my bro must have choosen me a girl to get marry with. if so..then how can i marry u". hahahah..we took it as a joke, dat time.but today, suddenly i cry 4 it :((
and why should i angry him 4 dat email above ?? d'Answer is: HE DOESNT EVEN TELL ME DAT HE WILL GO BACK TO UKRAINE !!!!! wut kinda boyfriend is datttttttttttttt ?!?!
wanna know when was our last meetin'? hahah..since he got busy wiv his job, we did never meet !! we did nevah talk !! sometimes it so difficult to get his image on my mind :) do i forget his face? maybe..YEACH !!! but its also difficult to tell him dat i've lost my trust on him :(( sometimes i forget dat i have him... and sometimes...i feel i love him too much...

writtern @3:29 PM

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

"hi laila whats up darling.. u angry me ? ..really i
love u so much. believe me ,i love u". *grrrrrrrrrhhhhhhh* if i was just a cartoon character, then here's must b much fumes roundover mah head. bettah end these all !! i cant stand thissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss !! gud bye, kim.. *u ready 4 dis, laila?*

ja dun remember me
But ah remember u...
Ah lie awake n try so hard
Not 2 think o'you...
But who can decide wut they dream?
n dream ah do...

Have u forgotten all ah know
N all we had?
ya saw me mourning mah luv 4u
n touched mah hand...
ah knew u loved meh then...

Ah look in d'mirror n see ur face
If ah look deep enuff
So many things inside dat are jez like u
R takin' over...

Ah believe in u
I'll give up everything jez 2 find u
i've 2b wiv u
2 live
2 breathe
u're takin' over meh...
(evanescence,takin' ovah meh)

wut's next? oh..about TITOS :P since i got mah vacum *hwah? vacum?* relationship wiv KIM, mmmm i think i've found someone who really care. someone who can takes me as i am. but d'most important thing to think about is..our different religion. piye ki....??? mmmhhh...just i've told him dat I CANT. but....*help me :(( * i gotta crush on him :( how's dis??? oh lets just think openly...but no..cant !! cant !! hwaaaa....nek ngono aku golekke bojoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo *hiks hiks hwaaaaaaaa*
wait..wait..y talkin' about dis guy? who? titos? titos is my verrry old friend (since...mmm..i forgetttt). he likes to send me many many messages to mah mobile. all about love, all about friendship, about his days....he tells me evvvverything.actually i wasn't interested enuff 2 know 'bout him.since i realized dat he's really care, i tried to treat him da way he treats me. Ah started 2 send him messages as many as he sent me b4. i reply his every message. now i feel we become verry close each other. y? seems like i know all about him, and he knows all about me. dats it !! *dats all and u feel close? fyuuuhhh* and when i talk to him, sometimes i forget dat i have u as mah boy, Kim. * im sorry...*.
and few days ago..we talked about Kim:*uhuhuhuuu*
i tho' u've broken up wiv ur boyfriend
no,ah haven't
last tym v discuss 'bout it, u said u've broken him up
different guy, maybe (nyengirrr)
wuttttttt??? ooooo....different guy..?!!
then when i said dat i luv u, u can tel me dat u have bf
ya, but i think i have to break him up
wutttttt??? u're....ooohh...how come?
mmmm...he has no tym 4 me anymore
(dan seterusnya..dan seterusnya...)
so wuts da conclussion? i just wanna inform u dat even if i told him dat i already have Kim, he keeps on lovin' me. just..maybe in different way..(lambemuuuuuuu) buktinya? still he messages me many tymz a day (n -really- i try to reply him as many as he sent me b4). but yzt'day he got his flight to back home. and his simcard is now in ROAMING AREA, need triple rate to call and to message me :p greatttt !! greattt!! y should i write this all ???? CASE CLOSED !!! *useless !! useless !! useless!! idiotttttt *

mmmmm mau nggosip?...mau? ok deh....yuk..yak..yukk...*najeeessss*
yzt'day 12:40pm (tsahh..tepat bangettt), si WENGKY (dj MTV sky jebolan MUHI), nggosipke BEN AFFLECK (eh nulise piye sih?):
"Mantannya si JLo, cowok ganteng yang doyan bersolek ini lagi sibuk operasi buat ngilangin tatoo-tatoo di badannya. gara-garanya? dia udah kesulitan banget nyembunyiin tuh tatoo-tatoo,apalagi pas dapet peran yang tanpa busana gitu.ato gak, maybe dia pengen tampil bersih kali ya...atau...mungkin dia ngilangin tatoo gara gara PANUNYA DAH SEMBUH kali yeeeeee". so?

writtern @5:02 PM